Energize Your Menopause with Chlorophyll
By Andrea Donsky | Fact Checked | Sources

Has your energy gone down in the dumps since your estrogen and progesterone levels took a nosedive? Are you looking for more bounce in your step? You might take a tip from Mother Nature and try chlorophyll.
What is chlorophyll?
Spinach, alfalfa, grass, algae, leaves—chlorophyll is the pigment that gives these and other plants their green color. There are two varieties of chlorophyll–chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b—and all plants contain either one of them. Both are antioxidants and fat-soluble.
When you eat plants that contain chlorophyll, the pigment travels through the body in groups of molecules called micelles, which contain fat. Experts believe that the body needs a small amount of healthy fat in order to metabolize chlorophyll.
Why is energy low in menopause?
Remember when you used to be full of vim and vigor? When you had enough energy to get through the entire day? Then came perimenopause and menopause, and your energy got up and went.
Read about 16 reasons why your energy is low or depleted
Hormonal fluctuations affect every part of the body, and the imbalance can result in fatigue, tiredness, and trouble sleeping. In fact, fatigue is one of the main complaints among women in perimenopause and menopause reported by slightly more than three-quarters of women, according to researchers. It was followed by insomnia, irritability palpitations, and depression.
Lack of energy can have many causes in menopause, which is one reason why it can be challenging to remedy. Poor diet, lack of sufficient sleep, hormone imbalance, depression, muscle aches and pains, and anxiety can all play a role.
To manage a symptom with many causes, it takes a variety of solutions, and natural supplements are one tool that can help. Chlorophyll can be one of those tools. You are encouraged to include foods rich in chlorophyll in your diets, such as alfalfa, asparagus, broccoli, chlorella, collard greens, green cabbage, green beans, matcha tea, parsley, peas, spinach, and spirulina. Chlorophyll supplements are another way.
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Can chlorophyll boost energy?
Chlorophyll is credited with a variety of health benefits, and giving you a little more get-up-and-go is one of them. One reason is that chlorophyll is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals. This in turn helps detoxify the body, and when you eliminate toxins and other harmful substances that are burdening the body, you can get a boost in energy.
Chlorophyll also may assist in building up your blood. That’s because it is chemically similar to the protein (hemoglobin) in your red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. In a study that evaluated the benefits of wheatgrass, which is very high in chlorophyll, the author noted that it showed antioxidant and blood-building activities, among other characteristics, and that it was helpful in detoxification, blood flow, and digestion, all of which can help enhance energy.
Using chlorophyll supplements
Most chlorophyll supplements contain a water-soluble derivative of natural chlorophyll called chlorophyllin. This semi-synthetic has been used successfully for more than half a century to manage slow-healing wounds and is said to be better absorbed by the body than other types of chlorophyll when taken orally.
When shopping for chlorophyll supplements in capsule, liquid, or powdered form, you will likely see the words “sodium copper chlorophyllin” or “chlorophyllin copper complex” on the label. These chlorophyllins are typically derived from green plants rich in chlorophyll, such as alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, and spirulina.
A typical dose of liquid chlorophyll is 1 teaspoon added to a beverage. For capsules, dosages range from 100 to 300 milligrams up to three times daily. When taken as directed, chlorophyll supplements are generally safe to use and do not affect hormone function. Some individuals may experience mild stomach upset.
Bottom line
Lack of energy and fatigue are very common complaints among women in their menopausal years. Along with lifestyle changes, including a wholesome, natural diet, regular exercise, and stress management, supplements such as chlorophyll can help give a boost to your energy levels.