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menopause and tingling extremities

By | Fact Checked |

Are you experiencing pins and needles in your arms and legs for no apparent reason? Did you know that if you are in menopause or postmenopause, this symptom may be related to this stage of your life? Here’s what you should know about menopause and tingling extremities.

What are tingling extremities?

Paresthesia: that’s another name for tingling extremities, or the experience of pins and needles that most often affects the arms, hands, legs, and feet, although it can occur in any part of the body. It may also be accompanied by numbness, a burning or crawling sensation, or increased sensitivity in some areas. Tingling extremities can be mild to severe, acute or chronic.

Although the tingling can be annoying or uncomfortable, it is usually not serious. Many people experience such tingling when they apply pressure to an arm or leg while sleeping or sitting in an uncomfortable position. Tingling in the hands may cause you to have trouble picking up objects or gripping, while affected feet may cause you to lose your balance.

Pins and needles may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, pain, and muscle wasting. These are an indication of nerve damage, which can result from trauma, exposure to toxins, diabetes (peripheral neuropathy is the common cause of pins and needles), bacterial or vital infections, and repetitive stress injuries. Tingling may also be caused by taking too much vitamin B6, alcoholism, autoimmune diseases, and infections (e.g., Lyme disease, shingles, AIDS).

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How are tingling extremities associated with menopause?

Hormone fluctuations, especially estrogen, has an impact on the central nervous system (CNS). When the CNS is out of balance, you can experience tingling in your extremities and, less often, other parts of the body. Keep in mind, however, that if you are not in menopause or postmenopause and are experiencing pins and needles, there may be another cause, and

you should seek medical advice.

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How can you manage tingling extremities naturally?

A variety of lifestyle modifications and natural therapies may help alleviate the tingling in your arms and legs. Here are some tips to adopt.

  • Take stock of your diet. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy protein (fish is recommended), and clean (organic when possible) complex carbs from whole grains, root veggies, beans, and legumes.
  • Exercise regularly. This promotes healthy circulation and also relieves stress. Do aerobics and strength-building for the former and yoga, pilates, and stretching for the latter.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, and caffeine
  • Be sure to get 8 hours of sleep nightly. This is great for many reasons, but one in particular is that it aids hormone production.
  • Stay hydrated—bring a water bottle with you. Having adequate water in your body supports healthy blood circulation.
  • Practice deep breathing, which helps oxygenate your blood and relieves stress
  • Acupuncture may provide some relief from tingling. While there is a lack of research in this specific area, acupuncture has been shown to be helpful in managing diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
  • Massage may be helpful in promoting circulation and providing relief. If you use massage oils that contain capsaicin (found in chili peppers), it may give you extra relief.

when to see your doctor

If you experience tingling extremities along with any of the following symptoms, seek medical help. The symptoms include pain, weakness or paralysis, inability to control your limb movements, problems with vision or speech, walking difficulties, loss of consciousness, or loss of feeling on one side of the body.

bottom line

Tingling extremities during menopause and postmenopause is not common, but it also is typically nothing serious. If it should occur, you can be ready to take steps to help alleviate it.

Andrea is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) & Menopause Expert. Andrea is in menopause & has been researching for the last 5 years science-based ingredients and methods to help women manage their symptoms. She’s the Founder of—a multiple award-winning website. Andrea co-authored the book “Unjunk Your Junk Food” published by Simon and Schuster, as well as “Label Lessons: Your Guide to a Healthy Shopping Cart,” and “Label Lessons: Unjunk Your Kid’s Lunch Box.” Andrea co-hosts the Morphus for Menopause podcast and appears as a Healthy Living Expert on TV across North America. Andrea has more than 20 years of experience in the health & wellness space and is a multiple award-winning Influencer.